On 2007-03-01, kib2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Try ':filetype on'
> >
> > Yakov
> >
> >
> filetype on is already inside my mimrc.
> In fact, I've made a special function for the different languages I use :
> au BufEnter *.py    exe Fpython()
> function Fpython()
>    au FileType python source C:\Program Files\vim\vim70\scripts\python.vim
>    autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.py syntax on
>    autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.py set ai
>    filetype on   
>    " les tabs sont des espaces pour Python:
>    au BufNewFile,BufRead *.py set expandtab
>    au BufNewFile,BufRead *.py set tabstop=4
>    au BufNewFile,BufRead *.py set shiftwidth=4
>    etc...
> endfunction
> Where do I go wrong ?

If you want vim to automatically detect the file type, "filetype on" 
must be executed _before_ any buffer is loaded, that is, before the 
BufNewFile or BufRead events, and certainly before the BufEnter 
event.  Executing "filetype on" is like arming the file detection 
mechanism, but the code above arms the detection _after_ the 
triggering events have occurred.

So first of all, the "filetype on" line should be in the main body 
of the _vimrc so that it is executed when _vimrc is sourced, not 
later when an autocommand is triggered.

Secondly, if you want "syntax on", et al. to be executed when you 
enter a buffer containing a Python file, you should either execute 
Fpython() in an autocommand and remove all the autocommands from 
within Fpython(), or you should execute Fpython() unconditionally 
and leave the autocommands within Fpython() as they are.  Otherwise, 
the settings within Fpython() won't be executed until the second 
Python file is loaded and vim's behavior will appear to be 

Your whole approach is really more complicated and error-prone than 
it needs to be.  I would recommend that you take all the settings 
now in Fpython() (except "filetype on"), remove the autocommand 
parts, and put them all in a separate file, C:\Program 
Files\vim\vim70\after\ftplugin\python.vim.  Then change all the 
"set" commands to "setlocal", like this:

    source "C:/Program Files/vim/vim70/scripts/python.vim"
    syntax on
    setlocal ai

    " les tabs sont des espaces pour Python:
    setlocal expandtab
    setlocal tabstop=4
    setlocal shiftwidth=4

Vim's filetype detection will cause this file to be sourced whenever 
you open a Python file.  Using "setlocal" will cause those settings 
to apply only to the current buffer, that is, only to buffers 
containing Python files, rather that to every buffer in the current 
vim instance.

Lastly, if you execute "syntax on" like this, you enable syntax 
highlighting for every buffer, regardless of file type.  If you want 
syntax highlighting for only certain file types, I would recommend 

    syntax manual

in your _vimrc and

    setlocal syntax=ON

in the C:\Program Files\vim\vim70\after\ftplugin\ file for each 
filetype for which you want highlighting enabled.


Gary Johnson                 | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     | Mobile Broadband Division
                             | Spokane, Washington, USA

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