I have a utf-8 file that uses the unicode line separator.  Not
something I've come across very often.  In utf-8 the sequence is:

    0xE2 0x80 0xA8 (e280a8)

In a uxterm vim correctly reads (and sets) the file encoding as utf8
(there's no BOM on the file), but the U-2028 character is displayed
as an un-displayable character and not displayed as a new line.
That is, all the text is displayed as a single line.

Can anyone educate me a bit on the use of the Line Separator character
and if or how it can be supported in Vim?

I'm having other problems -- such as the Perl script that is reading
this file doesn't see the character as a new line (although it does
see it as a matching a \s regular expression.

Bill Moseley

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