Hi all :)

    Probably you've noticed that I'm used to indent the first line of
the paragraphs I write. I'm sooo used to do this that I'm not doing it
conciously, so I do it on comments, too.

    The thing is that I've set 'fo+=2' to use the intentation from the
second line of a para, not the first, and it works perfectly... as long
as there are no comment leader on the line. If there are a comment
leader, and even though I have 'fo+=c', the comment leader is properly
placed but all lines have the same indentation: that of the FIRST line.
Moreover, sometimes only the first line is reformatted (using the
indent) while the rest are not (that happens in mail filetype, for
example). I can post examples here if I haven't explained all this

    Can I fix this tweaking 'fo', or 'comments', etc., or should I use
'formatexpr' or even an external formatter (like par)?

    Thanks a lot in advance :))))

    Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Linux Registered User 88736 | http://www.dervishd.net
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

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