Hi all!

I recently discovered a wonderful feature of Vim 7.0:
omnicomplete. I tried using it on my Windows
installation but encountered problems. Here is what I

1. created ctags with Exuberant Ctags. Ctags were
created like this:
ctags -R --C-kinds=+defgmnstuv -f tagfile.tag

2. put following lines in _vimrc:
set tags=C:\path_to_tags\tagfile.tag
autocmd FileType c set omnifunc=ccomplete#Complete

When editing C file, auto-completion works well for
functions, but Vim chokes on auto-completion for 
structures. Basically, any time <Ctrl-x><Ctrl-o> is
pressed after "." or "->", it comes up with "Pattern
not found". 

Does anybody know how to fix this problem?

Zarko Coklin

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