> Hi all!
> I am trying to automate my Vim setup as much as
> possible. On my PC I have 2 directories for 2
> different releases.
> C:\Code_Rel1
> C:\Code_Rel2
> At a very top level in each of these directories I
> have ctags files. How can I setup Vim so that it
> sources right ctags file depending from I started Vim.
> For example, if I go under Code_Rel1 and in Windows
> use right click to open file in one of subdirectories,
> ctags should be picked up from C:\Code_Rel1 and not
> from C:\Code_Rel2.
> Hard coding path to ctags in .vimrc is not an option,
> cause it will not work well if I right-click to open
> file from another release directory.
> Any thoughts on how this can be achieved?

I have the following in my .vimrc which does the trick:

    set tags=tags;

The semi-colon does file searching upwards in the directory tree until
the tags file is found.

    :help file-searching


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