I sometimes want to repeat a sequence of operations
like I would repeat a single command.
For example, I can repeat with '.' something like:
 gI//<ESC>    {is a single operation '.' repeats all}
But I cannot as easily repeat:
 02r/    { '.' will repeat the 2r/ , but not the move to 0 }

[ Let's not focus on the example sequence I am using here,
  I do know that there are other ways to comment a line ]

The obvious choice to repeat multiple operations is to record
a macro (for example:  qq02r/q ), and replay it with @q.
Unfortunately, '.' after @q only replays the last action
within the macro, not the whole macro execution.
So I have to repeatedly type two awkward keys (@q) instead
of being able to use the dot command to repeat the whole
sequence of operations.
 [ I wonder why this behavior was chosen. Is there any
   way to have '.' repeat the whole macro instead ?    ]

Occasionally, I will create a temporary keyboard mapping,
only to be able to more easily repeat an edit sequence.

Am I missing an easier way ?


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