  I downloaded the vim 7.0 package to my RedHat Enterprise 3 machine.
I do not have administrator previlidge, so I setup the env like this:

export DESTDIR=<my_dir>
export prefix=<my_dir>

  Then I run
make install

  But when I run vim, <my_dir>/usr/local/bin/vim, I get this error:

Error detected while processing /home/linq/.vimrc:
line   10:
E484: Can't open file /usr/local/share/vim/syntax/syntax.vim
Press ENTER or type command to continue

  Line 10 of my vimrc is: syntax on

  I am wondering why it still goes to /usr/local to look for data
files. Is there a way I can control this?

  By the way, in throwing the above error message, VIM starts, but it
is not GUI mode even though I have -g in the command, is that because
of the above problem?


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