Hi list,

new to the list. 
work on ubuntu 6.10, vim7 with patches 1-35

Have some problem with viki 

I extracted viki.zip into my ~/.vim. Just mulitvals.vim ist additional 
installed, otherwise there are no other vim configuration files. 
A .vimrc is as well not definied. 

If I open my testfile with 
        vim .viki/test.viki 
and active :VikiMinorMode the CamelCase words will be highlighted
correctly. But If I want to create a New file if I hit CTRL + Return
when I am over CamelCaseWord with the cursor. The cursor jumps only to
the next line. 

If I want to active :VikiMode nothings happens. No highlightning of
Headings, list, CamelCase, ... 

Some suggestions. I dont know how to debug or where to start. 

Cheers -- Erik 

J. Erik Heinz
Keyboard-samuraing in process

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