
I've written a BufReadCmd so that when I edit files starting with
radiant/ (I am working with http://www.radiantcms.org ), it lets me
edit a certain field of a certain row determined by the path following
the radiant/prefix:

:au BufReadCmd radiant/* ruby ReadFile( VIM::evaluate( "expand('<afile>')"))

For example, this command

:split radiant/pages/Home\ Page/articles/First\ Post/body

lets me edit the body of the First post located in the section
acticles which is itself under the Home Page.


:split radiant/layouts/1

lets me edit the layout with id 1.

As my first example shows, the length of the path to enter can grow,
and I would like to add autocompletion like there is when editing a
file on the filesystem. The problem is that I didn't find any
documentation for that. Does anyone of you have a pointer to
documentation on how to implement this?


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