How can a Vim script know if we're running without an X connection?

Of course, some cases are obvious, such as

        if has('unix') && !has('x11')

meaning we're on Unix with no X11 support compiled-in.

But what about an X-enabled Vim running in console mode, either with the -X command-line switch, or in a terminal with no access to an X server?

For instance, I might want to map the following

        :map <S-F5> cc<C-R>+

in my vimrc, to replace the current line with the clipboard. However that mapping should not be enabled if we have no access to the clipboard. So I wrap it in

        if has("clipboard") && (&term != "linux")
                :map <S-F5> cc<C-R>+
                :imap <S-F5> <C-O>cc<C-R>+

which takes care of two cases:
- running with no clipboard support compiled-in
- running in the (non-X) linux console (aka /dev/tty)
It doesn't take care, however, of the case when an X-enabled Vim was started as "vim -X" in an xterm. Is there a way to check for that in vimscript?

Best regards,
The government [is] extremely fond of amassing great quantities of
statistics.  These are raised to the _nth degree, the cube roots are
extracted, and the results are arranged into elaborate and impressive
displays.  What must be kept ever in mind, however, is that in every
case, the figures are first put down by a village watchman, and he puts
down anything he damn well pleases.
                -- Sir Josiah Stamp

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