vr.sundar wrote:

I using vim 7.0 on Windows XP and have just started trying to use vim
with java source files. I want to have folding enabled based on
syntax. From reading the help document, syntax highlighting is enabled
and I set the foldmethod to syntax. But when I try to close a fold
(from inside a method), I get a "No fold found" error message.  I
verified the syntax with "set syntax" and vim reported syntax=java. I
tried the same for foldmethod and got foldmethod=syntax. I also
verified that there is a java.vim under the $VIMRUNTIME\syntax.
(though when I searched in this file for "fold" I didn't find

Am I missing some step? If anyone can help me with this to get folding
working, that be greatly appreciated.


You didn't miss any step. It is just that $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/java.vim doesn't define any folding syntax items.

Best regards,
What the large print giveth, the small print taketh away.

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