John Wiersba wrote:
Thanks, Tony, for your reply.

My pleasure. I did see this present post of yours on the list; the reason I didn't answer is I had nothing significant to contribute.

As far as I can tell everything is set up to give case-sensitive globbing. Bash does case-sensitive globbing at the command line and in a simple script

echo file*

Do you believe vim is shelling out to do globbing under cygwin, rather than doing globbing internally? I tried to verify that vim is calling /bin/sh by replacing /bin/sh.exe with a script /bin/sh which leaves a debugging trail. But it appears that /bin/sh is not being called for :e file* (it is called for :sh, however).

I had the impression it did; but I guess I was wrong.

Is there an easy way to debug this from within vim? I see what appear to be various debugging commands in the source code. Is it easy to enable them and see their output somewhere?

If exists(":debug") returns 2, you can (a) use the :debug command or start Vim with the -D command-line switch, which will give you a > prompt for each ex-command, at which point you can examine variables etc.; and (b) set breakpoints etc. in vimscript. Output is to the bottom of the Vim window (like ":echo", ":version", etc.), so you should use this neither for commands which modify the contents of the file windows, nor for Insert mode.

See ":help debug-scripts".

There is also a project whose name I have forgotten, but which you should be able to find either at vim-online or by searching the vim-dev archive, to allow easier debugging of the Vim C code with gdb (if compiled with gcc). To use that at the fullest, you should have the Vim sources from which you compiled your own Vim, and use a Vim executable with symbols, i.e., the one in src/ which came out of the "make" process, not the one which "make install" wrote (after stripping) in /usr/local/bin (assuming a Unix-like Vim).

Is there anything else you can think of to solve this?

No there isn't; that's why I didn't answer when you sent this same email to the list.

-- John

Best regards,
Xerox does it again and again and again and ...

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