Dave Land wrote:
Shawn & Vim friends,

On Mar 21, 2007, at 6:21 PM, shawn bright wrote:

cool, thanks, i knew there had to be something.

And it keeps getting better. Due to Vim's extensive programmability
(and keystroke mapping and the endless creativity of its developer
and user communities), you can extend its behavior to your needs.

When you use the n and N keystrokes to step forward and backwards
through the list of matches for a pattern, the focus inevitably
moves down the screen from match to match until it reaches the last
match on the screen, then the screen scrolls up or down to bring
the next of-screen match into view... I tire of having to follow the
cursor up and down the screen following the cursor, so I came up with
a solution that works for me.

Now, I happen to use a Mac, so the keystrokes I've mapped make sense
to me, but might be different for someone else... This is a chunk out
of my .vimrc file:

" Command-[ and Command-] put the prev/next match at top of screen
map <D-[> kNz<CR> " put prev match at top of screen
map <D-]> jnz<CR> " put next match at top of screen

Thus, after having typed something like:


with my mappings, I can type command-] to go to the next match AND
scroll it to the top of my screen. That way, my tired old eyes can
sit in one place and watch the matches come to them.

This is especially handy when I'm editing a data file that has a lot
of lines that are formatted quite similarly: as the matched lines
replace each other as the "first" line on the screen, I clearly see
the parts that stay the same and the parts that change -- I make a
lot fewer mistakes that way.


I don't think j and k are necessary in your mappings; they may be downright counter-productive (going back forever to the same match) after a ? search.

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
130. You can't get out of your desk even if it's time to eat or time
     to go to the bathroom.

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