* Eric Leenman [2007.03.30 06:45]:
> With the follwing subtitue it's possible to
> remove blocks of 3 empty lines
> :%s/^\n\{3}//
> How do you need to change it, so that it does
> remove blocks of 2, or more,
> empty lines?


> And how do you give this command just before
> closing the file?

One way is to use autocommands. 

:au BufLeave * :%s/^\n\{2,}//

Note that this implementation will give you a
warning if the pattern is not found.


:h autocmd-events

if BufLeave isn't exactly what you want,

:h autocmd-patterns

if * isn't exactly the file pattern you want, or

:h autocommand

For the general discussion.


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