flyfish wrote:

i write a simple keymap for commenting C file,

map C 0i/*<C-Esc>A*/<C-Esc>j

now i want to use the command like 12C to comment a block, however, it does
not follow my mind, it does not comment one line then go down comment the
next line, it only give a lot of /* in the first line and make mistake, how
to implement what i want?

Thank you very much.

The way you do it, the 12 in 12C is simply prepended to the mapping, changing it to 120i/*<Esc> etc., i.e., adding /* ten times the count (120 times here), then */ once at the end of the line.

Method I: Put your command in a register, let's say "q, and invoke that register with a count:

        :let @q = "0i/*\eA*/\ej"
        :let @q = "i\<Home>/*\<End>*/\<Down>\e"

and in either case

        :map C @q

Method II: Use a Visual-mode mapping:

        :vmap <F2> <Esc>:'<-1put ='/* '<CR>:'>put =' */'<CR>
        :vmap <F2> <Esc>:'<-1put ='#if 0'<CR>:'>put ='#endif'<CR>

I recommend the last of the above, which will (if I didn't goof) add "#if 0" above your (linewise) visual area and "#endif" below it, so than any /* */ inside the block won't disturb the compilation.

(I'm not sure what you use Ctrl-Esc for: I have no help for i_CTRL-Esc and on my system, the Ctrl-Esc key is preempted by the window manager so that gvim never sees it.)

Best regards,
"The society which scorns excellence in plumbing as a humble activity
and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted
activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy ...
neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water."

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