My instance of vim (gvim on Windows) appears to have a memory leak, which makes 
me sad. Is this a common thing for everyone, or is there something in my setup 
which might be causing it? It's pretty serious.

When I start gvim and load my standard session, it will take up about 86MB of 
RAM. This includes dozens of buffers, splits, tabs and syntax, so I'm not 
really worried. After about four hours it will be up to more like 120MB, and 
after a couple of days it will be 200MB+.

Loading a "fresh" copy of gvim with all the plugins and my .vimrc, there are 
various actions I can see that increase the memory usage as reported by the 
Windows Task Manager. I have no idea on the validity of the Task Manager, but 
it's all I have on Windows.

        :sp on a new buffer causes a raise of 4-8K.
        :q on a split causes a raise of 4-8K.
        Switching to/from gvim causes a small increase, typically 4-8K for a 
few switches.
        Searching (with *) for a word in a .c file (with syntax highlighting) 
causes it to increase. If you hold down * then you can see the memory usage 
rocket up.
        Basically, pretty much any action.

Any ideas? Will I just have to live with it and restart my vim session every 
couple of days?



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