On Thu, Apr 05, 2007 at 10:10:03AM EDT, jas01 wrote:
> I have a huge file where I need to delete all lines except for a few I need.
> I'm trying to do this in a single command.
> I know that:
> :v/Text/d 
> will delete all lines except for ones containing 'Text.' I have no idea how
> to put multiple strings so the command deletes everything except for 'Text'
> and 'Text2' and 'Text3'.
> Please help!

Maybe you're using the wrong tool to begin with?

If the file is really huge, you may find adopting a different strategy is

If you're on linux or similar you might use a command-line tool such as:

$ grep Text[1-3] huge_file > a_few_lines

What this does is that it finds all the lines that contain at least one
occurrence of Text1, Text2, or Text3 in ./huge_file and copies them to


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