
 is there a way to do this more effectively?

 I often get in the situation of yanking a word
 into the buffer, search another word I want to
 replace with the contents of the buffer, delete
 the found word and paste the contents of the buffer
 at the place of the previously found word.

 Despite the fact, that -- without the yank-ring
 script -- you have to keep an eye on what is
 in what buffer, it would be more effective
 if one could do the following:
 yw                    "yank replacement word
 /word                 "find word ("word") to be replaced
 cw                    "change word under cursor with that in buffer
 I know, that "cw" is another command, which is "wrong" in 
 this case...I only needed a name for what I want to do and
 cw keeps track of the length of the replaced word and the

 Thank you very much for any helpful hint :)   !

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