i would like to do some contribution in vim development, i
have used vim more than one year in programming and text edit,
but when i want to start to code for vim, i even do not know
what language is used for vim development, could you give me
some information and steps how to do?
Vim is written in C and can be obtained at
Alternatively, you can write code in vimscript (the ex-like
language used internal to Vim) which you can get familiar with by
surfing on over to
and there's plenty to read in Vim's internal documentation:
:help usr_41.txt
As it's open source, you're welcome to hack on any of it you
like. However, if you want to offer something back, do take the
time to search the scripts/plugins section of vim.org for an
existing script/plugin that may already do what you want. If
you're looking to attack some of the requested features, there's
a running list of them at
where I'm sure folks would be glad to have.