you can look at this manual here:

I think it is your terminal or your locale settings.
It didn't work for me with normal xterm so I had to use uxterm.
You can try if it works for you too.
Secondly, some email clients don't set the charset correctly.
Mutt has to guess it, so may be you have to set:

set config_charset=utf-8

in your .muttrc
But read the wiki and the manual it is explained more detailed there.

Some text for testing:

Jede Frau möchte lieber schön als klug sein, weil es so viele dumme
Männer gibt und so wenig blinde. 
        Françoise Rosay, französische Schauspielerin

and translated in Cyrillic:

Всяка жена иска по-добре да е красива отколкото умна, защтото има
толкова много глупави мъже и толкова малко слепи.
The encoding of this email has to be utf-8
I hope this helps,

> Hi,
>  sorry for this meta offtopic question...but I need informations about
>  some internals of vim...
>  I am using mutt to compose and read mail. The editor for this is vim
>  (surprised? :) Mutt/Vim are running on/in/at/on top off/with (or what
>  else the correct preposition is... X-) mrxvt. And all this is running
>      on a Linux Gentoo Linux.
>  Now: When I am receiving mail containing german umlauts, they will be
>  displayed as "\<number>" inside mutt.  Inside vim these mails are
>  displayed correctly when cited -- most of the times. But in some
>  cases the umlauts also get corrupted.
>  Entering umlauts in vim is also no problem.
>  Entering umlauts on the commandlind (zsh/mrxvt) also displayed them
>  correctly. Filenames containing umlauts are displayed...hrmmm...
>  encrypted but will be correctly expanded (<TAB>) when using the zsh
>  completion system.
>  These mix of "it works" and "it does not work" confuses me.  Would
>  vim be able to display german umlauts correctly if the system
>  completly ignores/does not know of  UTF-8 ?
>  What is the trick I am missing to display german umlauts correctly
>  with mutt? There are recipes out there in the internet which
>  discribes the _complete_ change from ASCII to UTF-8 for mutt. But
>  these recipes describes more or less the change either on base of a
>  totally UTF-8 aware system (which seems not applicable in my case) or
>  the a complete recompilation of the whole system as a migration 
>  from ASCII to UTF-8 ... which seems not to be needed in my case.
>  The basic question is for me: How can vim display german umlauts
>  correctly if the world outside of vim seems not to be completly
>  UTF-8 aware? What do I need to change in the chain ?
>  Thank you very much for your help in advance!
>  Keep editing!
>  mcc
> -- 
> Please don't send me any Word- or Powerpoint-Attachments
> unless it's absolutely neccessary. - Send simply Text.
> See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html
> In a world without fences and walls nobody needs gates and windows.

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