
 is there anything like "describe-key" (EMacs)in vim ?

 In EMacs vou can submit this command, press a combination
 of keys and EMacs will tel you the naming convention
 of this key (for example "Meta-p") and its current
 bindings of that combination of keys.

 Anything like that in vim ?

For builtin commands, :help Keys
For user-remapped keys, :map Keys

Vim is multimode, so you have several meanings for each control-key.
(normal mode, insert, mode, commandline mode, etc).

Every mode for every command is documented in the help.

You need to learn the help navigation by tags and completion.
If you have these settings 'set wildmode=list:longest  wildmenu',
and you type :help ^X<tab> (that's ':','h',space,'^','X,Tab)
you'll commands involving Ctrl-X in all modes.

You need to know how to find meaning for keys X for every mode in the help.
Help uses uniform prefixes for that.


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