A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
Matthew Gilbert wrote:
Gene Kwiecinski wrote:
I'm using GVIM on WinXP SP2:
I'm trying to map ALT-ENTER. It doesn't work (I just get enter).

Uhhh, ain't alt-enter trapped by the OS, ie, to switch between
window/console modes?

I'm using GVIM. Also, I can enter CTRL-V_ALT-ENTER and <M-CR> is inserted at the command line without issue. Thanks though. _matt

This at least means that gvim is getting the alt-enter keystroke all right.

Can you use at least one of

    :inoremap <M-CR> Meta-Carriage-Return


    :inoremap <A-Enter> Alt-Enter

after starting Vim with

    gvim -u NONE -N

? If you can, then there is something that overrides it when you use your usual vimrc and plugins.

Nope. I still get the regular enter behavior (inserts a newline). Thanks _matt

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