
A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> words
        on 23.04.2007 - 03:08 (+0200 Zulu-Time):

> J. Erik Heinz wrote:
> >
> >A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> words
> >     on 12.03.2007 - 08:30 (+0100 Zulu-Time):
> >
> >>Simon Jackson wrote:
> >>Open Console Vim with an empty [No Name] buffer, hit i or a to start 
> >>Insert mode, then hit Ctrl-K followed by one of the keys in the {lhs} of 
> >>your mappings. The keyname should appear in <> notation. If it doesn't, 
> >>hit Ctrl-V followed by the same key. You should see the bytestring sent 
> >>by the keyboard interface appear in the buffer. If nothing appears, it 
> >>means that key press doesn't reach Vim. For instance, in my kde window 
> >>manager, Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-Shift-Tab are intercepted by the window 
> >>manager to mean "go to next/previous virtual desktop"; they never reach 
> >>xterm or even gvim. 
> >
> >I always wondered why the tips didn't work when I tried to implement
> >this in my .vimrc, but now I know. Awsome. 
> >
> >I figured out that the keystroke CTRL + Tabulator at my Terminal
> >reach the vim with as <C-I>. Don't know why but with the shortcut in the
> >.vimrc it works fine.
> >
> >With the method Tony describe ^I ( <C-I> ), was not shown, I tried it
> >with: 
> > * Open vim 
> > * : 
> > * CTRL + K 
> > * and then I tpyed the keystroke twice ( here: CTRL + Tabulart )
> >Finaly the shortcut was shown. 
> >
> >Perhpas this helps. 

> * Warning: To Vim, <C-I> and <Tab> are the same (in "cooked" keyboard 
> input, both are represented by 0x09). If you map the one and hit the other, 
> Vim will execute your mapping.

Didn't know that. When something goes wront I know now where to start
the search ;) 

> * My method works in Insert mode, not in Command-line mode. I said to start 
> with i or a (insert or append), not colon (start an ex-command).
> * I just tested it: it works for special keys (e.g. Ctrl-Del), not 
> printable keys. <Tab> is a printable key, it inserts between 1 and 8 blank 
> character cells. Shift-Tab is not a printable key: in Insert mode, Ctrl-K 
> Shift-Tab inserts the 7 characters <S-Tab>.

Yes there a tab was inserted at my computer... like you described

Cheers -- Erik 
J. Erik Heinz
Keyboard-samuraing in process

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