Gary Johnson wrote:
On 2007-05-04, Albie Janse van Rensburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
sun wrote:
I'm using cygwin and rxvt. It works quite well, since you don't need to
start an X server for the application - it just runs.

Put the following in your cygwin launcher (cygwin_rxvt.bat for me):

 > @echo off
 > C:
 > chdir C:\cygwin\bin
 > set SHELL=/bin/bash
 > rxvt -ls -sr -sl 1500 -fn "Lucida ConsoleP-12" -bg black -fg grey

and in your .bashrc:

 > export TERM="rxvt-cygwin-native"

your mouse should work fine with rxvt (mine does!)

Now I can use mouse to jump from one split window to another under
rxvx, but how to resize one? I can't do it by mouse in my case, can

You should be able to drag the status lines and vertical dividers to resize the split windows.

I can confirm that this seems to not work, using the cygwin Vim version when run in rxvt. Tab-switching and window selection does work, however.

First, thank you to Yakov for the "set mouse=a" suggestion. I've had that in my Unix .vimrc for so long and didn't need in it in my Windows _vimrc for gvim that I forgot about needing it when the mouse didn't work in my Cygwin vim.

That fixed the problem completely for the case where I run an xterm on a Linux machine, ssh to my Windows machine, and run Cygwin vim on that Windows machine through that xterm. However, as Sun and Albie have reported, it doesn't fix the whole problem when running Cywin vim in a non-X rxvt running on the Windows machine: I can split a window and select the active window with the mouse, but I still cannot drag the status line.


Just noticed something on this Linux machine:

- In gvim I can drag the status line with no problem;
- In the linux console (/dev/tty, pure text non-X), with +mouse_gpm and the gpm daemon running, I can too; - In konsole (with +mouse_xterm and $TERM=xterm) I can't. I can select an area by dragging the mouse, but the highlight only appears when I release the button (in gvim and /dev/tty it appears as soon as the mouse moves with Button 1 depressed).

It's hard to tell what happens: I might think that Vim-in-xterm only gets mouse events when a button is released: apparently, it never feels mouse moves, and doesn't see a buttondown as long as the buttonup hasn't happened... Clicking (mousedown+mouseup) on a statusline selects the corresponding window, but there's no way I can drag that statusbar -- or the vertical separation between vertically split windows.

On the contrary, both gvim and vim-in-non-X-terminal obviously get the buttondowns, drags and buttonups as soon as they happen.

Best regards,
"I can't complain, but sometimes I still do."
                -- Joe Walsh

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