> Vincent BEFFARA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-05-09 23:54:27:
>> Hi,
>>>> Recently I installed Ubuntu Feisty and the "feature" seems to have
> gone (I
>>>> installed vim-gnome version 7.0.135). Since I use the same .vimrc in
> all
>>>> platform, it is unlikely to be the fault of my .vimrc script, the
> problem
>>>> is I do not know how to debug vim script, and I don't know why that
>>>> autocommand does not work.
>> Just in case - might it be that you don't have right permissions to your
>> own ~/.viminfo ? I had a similar problem : on a new install, typically
>> you might go and edit some files using "sudo vim /etc/whatever", this
>> creates .viminfo belonging to root, and then vim as a normal user cannot
>> use it, and fails silently.
>> Only happens if there is no .viminfo to start with, vim does the sane
>> thing and does not overwrite, but still might be considered a bug ...
>> hth,
>>   /vincent
>> --
>> Vincent Beffara
> Wonderful, the problem really is about permission of .viminfo!
> I noticed that you considered this to be a bug, but is this bug belongs to
> "sudo" or "vim"?
> i.e. for non-interactive "su" of "root", vim will save at user $HOME with
> root permission.

FYI, this same issue was discussed at

Micah J. Cowan
Programmer, musician, typesetting enthusiast, gamer...

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