Gary wrote in part:

  nmap <silent> <F2> :call DoSub()<CR>

    function DoSub()
        %s/ "/ ``/ge
        %s/" /'' /ge

For my other F keys I have used noremap instead of nmap, thus:
inoremap <F3> <C-O>:!pdftex book.tex<Cr>
nnoremap <F3> :!pdftex book.tex<Cr>
inoremap <F4> <C-O>:!texexec book.tex >/dev/null<Cr>
nnoremap <F4> :!texexec book.tex >/dev/null<Cr>
inoremap <F5> <C-O>:!acroread book.pdf<Cr>
nnoremap <F5> :!acroread book.pdf<Cr>
nnoremap <F2> 1GgqG

Which is the better usage? I have read but do not understand fully 
the "help" item suggested previousely.

I will use the code in two different rc files: one for my own use on a 
Linux system using gvimrc, and one ( _vimrc) to be used by customers 
who are presumed to be using evim at leas to start.  
John Culleton
Able Indexing and Typesetting
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