If you haven't already gotten an answer you may want to try logging
out and back in.  I recall having some issues with the Environment
variables in windows.

On 5/9/07, Chris Sutcliffe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey All,

I've defined a HOME environment variable as %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%.  In
a command prompt, if get the following:

echo %HOME%
C:\Documents and Settings\<user ID>

In gvim, I get the following:

:e $HOME\

which expands to

:e c:\Documents\ and\ Settings\<user ID>\Application\ Data\

Is there some reason why vim is ignoring the HOME variable I've set?
What is interesting is  that my _viminfo is being read from
C:\Documents and Settings\<user ID> just fine.


Chris Sutcliffe

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