On Mon, May 14, 2007 11:21 pm, Dave Land wrote:
>>>> Hi, I am a beginner in VIM. Wonder whether there is any good book
>>>> for VIM?  Also, what is the difference between vim and latex?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Linda
> I'm surprised that nobody's mentioned the books on this page:
>      http://iccf-holland.org/click5.html
> All of them are a bit old. The first one, "Vi IMproved - Vim", by Steve
> Oualline, is about six years old, and covers Vim 5.7, but much of it
> would still be current.

Yes, I agree.  I have a dead tree version of this book on my work desk,
and I still use it with the latest version of Vim weekly.

Tom Purl

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