>>>       ^
>>>works, but I'd have to run it 12 times if there are twelve blanks
>>>after the filled in line.

>>Hm?  Not sure why you escaped the '{'.  Apparently didn't need to  
>>the "\s".

>You are right - it was a typo - I actually need to escape both of them

>        ^                 ^

Ah, lookit that...  '[' is normally magic unless you escape it to
literal text, and '{' is normally literal text unless you escape it to
magic.  Eerie, don't think I had occasion to put that to the test

Hah, learn something new every day...

Been using "{#}" notation in lex/js/perl so long, don't think I had
occasion to actually use them in 'vim', else I would've run into that
problem before.

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