On Wed, 2007-05-16 at 21:26:10 -0400, Franco Saliola sent:
>I hate typing in the html text boxes and would much prefer to
>use vim to edit my email.
Don't we all? Using w3m, it's easy to use Vim to edittext areas.
I shall assume that you are using a graphic web-browser and
assume further that you are using Firefox. In which case then
there a couple of extensions / add-ins for Firefox which you can

My preference is:
ViewSourceWith <http://dafizilla.sourceforge.net/viewsourcewith/>

Others like:
It's All Text! <https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/4125/>

Both require a little configuration to tell them where (g)Vim is,
etc. This was discussed on this list a little while ago

This isn't embedding /per se/, but it does help with email



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