On 5/20/07, Yakov Lerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 5/19/07, Eric Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I use remote editing a lot (rsync protocol) and want to keep the spelling 
> on both machines always synchromised.
> Is the best way with unison(1) or suchlike or is there a better way?

I tried unison, but then I found that personal svn/hg/git/cvs is much better.
For many years, I have been using personal svn. Then I switched to git.
It's matter of taste which VCS to use. But it beats unison, to my opinion.
One "problem" of VCS is that there are many any choices.
hg and svn are both good choices.


I agree with Yakov.  I have my dotfiles for zsh and vim and a number
of other programs in an svk and I can do svk push and it will commit
it to an svn server on another computer.  That is nice because I can
have "backups" but also don't NEED internet access to commit.


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