 I am using Vim6.3
 My cscope db was built on a source directory structure 'src1' which was
 mounted on /dir1. If I use this cscope db in my vim, my cscope query would
 yeild following results.

Cscope tag: myFunc
   #   line  filename / context / line
   1    342  /dir1/src1/util/myprog.h
             void myFunc();
   2   1563  /dir1/src1/util/mycallprog.c
             op_status = myFunc();
   3   1584  /dir1/src1/util/myprog.c
             void myFunc()
Enter nr of choice (<CR> to abort):

  Everything works good till I mount the source directory structure
 on /dir2 instead of /dir1.  The cscope db still has referrers to the /dir1 
based on which
 it was built.  
  I don't want to rebuild the cscope db with the new mount point.
  How do I make use of the existing cscope db by somehow modifying the
  cscope search results to point to /dir2 instead of /dir1? I would like to see 
  the following output when I do cscope search.


Cscope tag: myFunc

   #   line  filename / context / line

   1    342  /dir2/src1/util/myprog.h


             void myFunc();

   2   1563  /dir2/src1/util/mycallprog.c


             op_status = myFunc();

   3   1584  /dir2/src1/util/myprog.c


             void myFunc()

Enter nr of choice (<CR> to abort):


  Any pointers appreciated.


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