> Each time I write buffer to the opened file, vim prompts this :
> WARNING: The file has been changed since reading it!!!
> Do you really want to write to it (y/n)?

I know it's not an answer to what you asked, but I've usually been able
to fix this issue by:
- ntpdate pool.ntp.org (or equivalent time sync command) on the client
- ntpdate pool.ntp.org (or equivalent time sync command) on the server
- umount and mount the share

In fact I'm using vim under linux in order to edit files of a vmware
windows image which shares the files. I ntpdated on linux and checked
that Windows Time service was started but the problem remains. BUT ! I
saw indeed that there was a problem on the windows vmware image, the
time is slower ;-) and get desyncronized after a while. I don't have
enough knowledge of windows/vmware in order to resolve the problem so
I wonder if there's a way to say vim not to warn again with this

Fabien Meghazi

Website: http://www.amigrave.com

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