Hi all, first post.

Been a long long time vi user but bizarrely never made the jump to vim
until quite recently.

I'm editing a lot of complex html/cake-php thtml templates at the
moment and despite
useful color highlighting I'm finding it quite difficult to see the
"wood for the trees" due to
the complex templates i have to edit. Typically for example, I've got
tags with just
about every possible attribute populated stretching over 3-4 lines
sometimes. Imagine
that embedded in huge multi level tables with specific tags.... I'm
stuck with the
templates to adhere to corporate style.

I wondered whether there was a plugin somewhere that was able to abbreviate or
partially hide the detail so i can see the overall structure more
clearly. In essence I
would like to collapse huge (single) lines of tags to something like
<a id="xyz"
href="/img ....... - where "...." implies I could expand if required.
I'm sure it is probably
possible to craft a plugin to do this, i just have some urgent
deadlines right now ;)

For lots of boring reasons I don't have the option of funky graphical
html editors or
environments - i'm in a remote shell using vim in text mode.

Apologies if this is in the plugins, i wasn't quite sure what terms to
search for. Hope
what I wrote makes sense and someone recognises it!


Howard Glynn [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
Edinburgh, UK

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