On 6/1/07, Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the old gvim, doing a search (/something) highlights all
> "something" in red.  In gvim 7, it doesn't highlight all occurrences.
> Is there a way to turn this back on?

It sounds like in the process, a vimrc (system-wide?) was
changed.  You don't mention your distro/OS, so it's hard to help

However, in your $HOME/.vimrc (or _vimrc on Win32), you can
simply add the line

        set hls

to turn on highlighting your searches by default.

If you just want to turn it on for a current session, you can use
it as an Ex command:

        :set hls

or toggle it with

        :set hls!

Using this method, it's not preserved across runs of Vim though
(which is what the vimrc is for).


If Brian is running Ubuntu that could have happened.  When I mentioned
on the list how updating changes default (to Ubuntu) behavior this was
another symptom (I think.)


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