Eric Leenman wrote:
I'm having the same problem, and the three solutions don't
work for me.  In all the three solutions (and even the other
thread I started with your reply windo diffthis) doesn't work.
What happens is that one window folds the complete file to one
line.  The other window keeps the file open as it was.

Let's start from scratch. Say you have two files, old.txt and
new.txt, where they are similar but different. You run:

gvim -d old.txt new.txt

You should see the two files side-by-side. Groups of lines that
are identical are folded. Differences are highlighted. Each
vertical split has a fold column (grey by default) down the
left side.

Does the above work? When you follow Tony's advice, do you see
the same fold column in each split? If not, you need to switch
to the split missing the fold column and type ':diffthis'.

I was expecting somekind of Winmerge behaviour.

Winmerge can do some great stuff, but Vim differencing of
two file is better because Vim folds lines that are the same.


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