On 2007-06-05, Markus Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hello,
> i want to setup some things only for php-source files. But i don't get 
> the autocmd local to buffer. The setup was also applied to opened c++ 
> files after the first php file.
> currently i have this inside my .vimrc (php.vim sets some tabulator 
> options)
> autocmd   FileType  php source ~/.vim/php.vim
> i've tried something like:
> autocmd   FileType  <buffer> php source ~/.vim/php.vim
> without luck.
> Any hints how i can achieve this?

The problem may be in your ~/.vim/php.vim file.  Make sure any 
options are set there using "setlocal", not just "set".  "set" 
applies most options globally while "setlocal" applies most options 
to only the current buffer.  See

   :help setlocal

To make mappings local to the current buffer, see

   :help map-<buffer>


Gary Johnson                 | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     | Mobile Broadband Division
                             | Spokane, Washington, USA

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