On 6/5/07, Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would dearly like to be able to replace ex by a more
> comfortable older version
> eg
>       not wiping image of recent changes on screen
>       on exit.

I'm not 100% sure how to do this one.  This is likely a terminal
thing.  Perhaps you can monkey with the settings as described in

        :help xterm-save-screen

where it sounds like the "NOTE 2" at the bottom of that section
describes what you want:

        :set t_ti= t_te=

I'm ambivalent about this option, as sometimes I want it, and
sometimes I don't, and I don't think about it until I quit and
find that it's not what I wanted.  Some machines I use preserve
the original screen (using the alternate screen for vim), and
some don't.  I've just learned to shrug that one off :)

>       "undo" to "undo" just the last change by
>       default - not all changes since start of session.

Vim7's undo is mind-blowingly more powerful than any other
software I've used (except maybe VCS software such as
RCS/Subversion/Mercurial/etc).  It shouldn't undo all changes
since the start of the session (assuming by "session", you mean
since opening the file).  Vim certainly allows you to return to
the old-school way of doing things, as described at

        :help undo-two-ways

and following section for how Vim treats undo blocks as well.

> etc

Without more details on this "etc", it's hard to point you in the
right direction.  However, this mailing list is a friendly place,
so if you encounter more questions, feel free to ask them here
and the list will try and help you out.

I get accused of being the list's resident Ex junkie, so
hopefully I can help.  :)  I'm likely one of the scant few who
still wants Vim to support true open mode (":help :open").  Not
urgently, but there are times it would have been handy.
Fortunately, I've got some older versions of vi that do support
it for those scarse occasions I want it.


Is :help undo where we can get information on Vim7's undo?  I remember
reading about how it was all awesome and stuff, but I haven't gotten a
chance to actually try to use it yet.


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