> "A.J.Mechelynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-06-06 09:51:51:
>> Unicode files may or may not have a BOM, depending on who (or which
> program)
>> created them and where they come from. If you remove "ucs-2le" from your
>> 'fileencodings', but leave "ucs-bom" at the start, any Unicode
> fileshaving a
>> BOM will still be recognised and the proper encoding set.
>> Best regards,
>> Tony.
> It seems that ucs-2le files with BOM will get recongized now.
> But I've got some other question:
> 1. will vim write BOM when writing to unicode files? or is there any
> options for that?

        :setlocal bomb

When opening a Unicode file, Vim will set or clear the buffer-local 'bomb'
option according to the presence or absence of a BOM. That option is
irrelevant for non-Unicode files. You can also set or clear it manually. When
creating a new Unicode file from scratch, a BOM will be set, or not, depending
on the corresponding global setting, so if you want your new Unicode files to
be created with a BOM, you may add

        :setglobal bomb

to your vimrc.

> 2. what is the correct way of converting a file encoding inside vim?
> I opened a file with cp936 encoding, then :set fenc=ucs-2le, then :w
> newfile.txt, close the vim and open the newfile.txt with a new vim, then I
> found everything in a mess. (gvim 7.1 winxp)
> --
> Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

It should have worked; but if the file had no BOM, maybe its encoding was
detected wrongly: so if it was in UCS-2le but Vim thought it was in GB2312 or
in cp936... "a mess" would be the result.

Try opening a file in cp936 then doing

        :setlocal fenc=ucs-2le bomb

Your other Vim ought to display it correctly then.

See also ":help ++opt" for another way to set the 'fileencoding' for one file

Best regards,
Life would be so much easier if we could just look at the source code.

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