Per> [...]
  Per> Most opensource packages are named like "<proj>-
  Per> <version>.tar.gz", or bz2 for that matter. After
  Per> uncompress/untar, the top directory is similar to tarball
  Per> without extensions "<proj>-<version>".
  Per> [...]
  Per> Unfortunally, when uncompressing and untar'ing vim-
  Per> 7.1.tar.bz2 it leaves me with a topdir named vim71.
  Per> [...]
  Per> Is it possible to have this reworked so that vim follows same
  Per> scheme as about 99% of the rest of the world does? :)

  Tony replied indicating why appending the version to the name of
  the vim directory is useful.

  Tony:  I think you misunderstood Per.  Per is for appending the
  version to the vim directory;  he is asking for consistency in the
  version tag appended to the directory and the name of the tar
  file.  So Per would like 

      vim-7.1.tar.bz2 to create vim-7.1 (instead of vim71)

  Perhaps Per would also be happy with vim71.tar.bz2.

  Personally, I think foo.tar.bz2 should create the directory foo.

  Barm> A change like this will break existing build scripts.
  Barm> I don't see how this different name can cause a problem.
  Barm> Works fine for the FreeBSD port, Debian, etc.

  Not clear if in "change like this" Barm is referring to changing
  the directory created to vim-7.1 or changing the name of the
  tar-ball to vim71.tar.bz2.

  Per:  Can't your script inspect vim-7.1.tar to find out the name
  of the top directory (perhaps via tar -tf vim-7.1.tar)?


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