Earlier, I asked:

  > I am not curious about how [I finds the files to look into.
  > What I would like to know is what [I does inside each file
  > it decides to look into.  
  > Am I correct that the [I does not use the tags file?  If it 
  > uses the tags file, how?
  > Once inside a file, how is what [I does different from what
  > a /<search> would do?  I realize that [I summarizes and 
  > displays the results of the search, but is there any difference
  > in the searching method?  

  More questions:
  Can one extend [I (and related commands) to search, perhaps using
  vimgrep, not just in the include files but in all files that show
  up in the tags file (which would be all files in the project)? 

  I find that [I is slow -- is the slowness in having to decide on
  which files to search or in the actual searching?  
  Given a file, how does the performance of the searching algorithm
  used by [I compare to that used by vimgrep?

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  • Working of [I Suresh Govindachar
    • RE: Working of [I Suresh Govindachar

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