I just noticed that there was a memory leak
in the patch I sent in my previous email.
So here it is again without the memory leak.

retrieving revision 1.22
diff -c -r1.22 if_cscope.c
*** if_cscope.c 11 Mar 2007 14:48:29 -0000      1.22
--- if_cscope.c 18 Aug 2007 17:48:54 -0000
*** 952,957 ****
--- 952,958 ----
      exarg_T *eap;
      char *opt, *pat;
+     int jump;

      if (cs_check_for_connections() == FALSE)
*** 964,979 ****
        return FALSE;

!     pat = opt + strlen(opt) + 1;
!     if (pat == NULL || (pat != NULL && pat[0] == '\0'))
        return FALSE;

!     return cs_find_common(opt, pat, eap->forceit, TRUE,
!                         eap->cmdidx == CMD_lcscope);
  } /* cs_find */

--- 965,983 ----
        return FALSE;
+     opt = strdup(opt);

!     if ((pat = strtok((char *)NULL, (const char *)" ")) == NULL)
+       vim_free(opt);
        return FALSE;

!     jump = cs_find_common(opt, pat, eap->forceit, TRUE,
!                         eap->cmdidx == CMD_lcscope);
!     vim_free(opt);
!     return jump;
  } /* cs_find */

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