Attached one more Q/A with Jan Dubois:
  (People who maintain notes on how to build vim with perl 
  might want to update their notes based on this post.)

  >Jan Dubois of ActiveState points out an issue with if_perl.xs:
  >> The src/if_perl.xs file contains code to redefine all Perl
  >> functions it assumes it uses to wrapper names, and then looks
  >> up the real functions at runtime.  That means that this file is
  >> specific to the Perl version used to compile it and will need
  >> to be updated for Perl 5.8.9.  See for example:
  >> # if (PERL_REVISION == 5) && (PERL_VERSION >= 8)
  >> #  define Perl_sv_2pv_flags dll_Perl_sv_2pv_flags
  >> #  define Perl_sv_2pv_nolen dll_Perl_sv_2pv_nolen
  >> # else
  >> #  define Perl_sv_2pv dll_Perl_sv_2pv
  >> # endif
  >> ...
  >> #if (PERL_REVISION == 5) && (PERL_VERSION >= 8)
  >> static char* (*Perl_sv_2pv_flags)(pTHX_ SV*, STRLEN*, I32);
  >> static char* (*Perl_sv_2pv_nolen)(pTHX_ SV*);
  >> #else
  >> static char* (*Perl_sv_2pv)(pTHX_ SV*, STRLEN*);
  >> #endif
  >> ...
  >> Similar code will be needed for sv_2iv_flags() and any other
  >> new symbol.
  >> It is a bit awkward to do this for ActivePerl 822, as it
  >> identifies itself as 5.8.8 because 5.8.9 has not been released
  >> yet, so we don't know which additional features will still be
  >> added.  But internally AP822 is probably closer to what will be
  >> 5.8.9 than to 5.8.8.
  >> Anyways, the problem is that if_perl.xs is coupled pretty
  >> tightly to the Perl internals and needs updating whenever the
  >> internals change.

  I asked "Is there a better way to embed perl so as to be version

  The answer from Jan Dubois:

  > There really is no way to do it totally version independently.
  > One reason the vim code is so tightly coupled is that it doesn't
  > have an explicit reference to perl58.dll.  Instead it calls
  > LoadLibrary() at runtime, and then GetProcAddress() to locate
  > all the imported symbols.  This allows the same binary to be
  > used when there is no perl58.dll to be loaded.  By linking
  > against perl58.lib your version will fail to load on a machine
  > that doesn't have Perl because you have now introduced a load
  > time dependency on perl58.dll.
  > At the binary level, all Perl 5.8.x releases are backward
  > compatible in the sense that you can load a module compiled with
  > an earlier Perl version into a later Perl release.  That means
  > you can build vim against Perl 5.8.0 and then use the vim binary
  > with perl58.dll from 5.8.9 or any other 5.8.x version. All new
  > versions continue to export the old symbols to support this
  > level of compatibility.
  > Binary compatibility does not exist in the other direction: A
  > module compiled with Perl 5.8.8 may break under Perl 5.8.7.  The
  > vim binary you built by linking explicitly against perl58.lib
  > from AP822 will not work with any earlier version of ActivePerl
  > or perl58.dll because they don't export the new symbols.
  > This is also the reason we have to build all modules in the
  > ActivePerl PPM repositories against 5.8.0 [*]. That way they can
  > be used by any version of ActivePerl 8xx.
  > [*] This is not strictly true anymore with AP819 and later using
  >     PPM4, but we haven't yet managed to roll out the versioned
  >     repository stuff at the server side.


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