On Aug 30, 2:46 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> compiler plugins are a bit independent of the filetype.
> For instance, there are several C&C++ compilers that produce errors in
> different formats.  And I'm quite sure this is also true with other
> languages. Moreover, sometimes we must filter the outputs because of
> intermediary tools that have nothing to do with the language (-> Cygwin,
> ant, ...)

Less independed then you think. The Ada-Mode comes with two compiler
plugin (GNAT and DecAda) and depending on the setting of
g:ada_default_compiler one of them is loaded when an Ada source is

I see this an an improvement to the default behaviour where by default
no compiler plugin is loaded and you have to do it all yourself by
automcd magic in your .vimrc. After all you don't want to load a
compiler setup when you are working on unrelated files.

> syntax+indent+fold+completion plugins can, and should, be distributed
> with vim.

The Ada-Mode too is distributed with Vim. There is just one catch: The
runtime is not patched. If working with a specific laguage make 50+%
of your time you want the newest version with a minimum of hassle.

BTW: Edit a *.adb file and you will quickly discover a nasty bug which
happens when not all the appropiate g:ada_* variables are
initialized. :-( - This bus is fixed in the version you can download
from vim.org :-) .

> Regarding ftplugins, well a minimum is to be distributed with vim as it
> already is today.

But they still need to be maintained and improved.

> However, having a _complex_ suite, for a given filetype, that also
> contains the files that should be distributed with vim does not sounds
> like a good idea.
> Also, distributing a complex suite with vim does not sound like a good
> idea either -- sometimes there exist several alternative suites
> maintained by different "competitors", and they may not always be
> compatible.
> NB: By complex suite, I mean suites like the one I'm maintaining for
> C&C++ (->http://hermitte.free.fr/vim/ressources/lh-cpp.tar.gz)

Ok, the Ada-Mode is not quite as large - it is certainly not to big to
not to be part of the main distribution.

> Regarding your particular example, what is nice in autoload plugins is not 
> just
> the lazy/delayed loading of the script (as in all cases, you'll need to load 
> it
> either way when entering an Ada buffer ; a simple "runtime macros/ada.vim" in
> all your scripts would have been enough as everything is immediatelly needed 
> in
> syntax plugins), but the scoping.

Yes, you are right on both accounts.

> PS: As "mode" already means something in Vim context, I do not really
> like this new use of the term.

Got an alternative name?


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