denis wrote:

>I am seeing a problem where execution of seemingly unrelated commands
>causes a problem with resetting 'lines' variable
>" here, lines is set to 23
>let g:foo = tempname()
>call system('touch ' . g:foo)
>" here it is reset to the height of my xterm - in this case 50
>eh? is this a bug or a feature?
>Below please find a minimal .vimrc as well as the output when starting
>gvim from an xterm on ubuntu.
>Further below is my :version information.
>[20:41:16 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
>$ cat .vimrc-test
>if has("gui_running")
>  set lines=23
>echo &lines
>let g:foo = tempname()
>echo g:foo
>echo &lines
>call system('touch ' . g:foo)
>echo &lines
>[20:41:20 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
>$ vim -g -u .vimrc-test

Well, I don't see that behavior.   Do you have a .gvimrc file, and 
what's in it?

Chip Campbell

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