On 2007-11-30, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 2007-11-30, Milan Vancura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > :.w !foo.sh
> I tried but did not work. Cause the directory was not in the PATH, I
> had to use :.w !./foo.sh
> foo.sh: echo $* > a.txt
> after the command, a.txt had only one empty line.
> This returned an empty line.

I think Milan did not understand your request.

   :.w !foo.sh

will write the current line to the standard input of the command 
following the exclamation point (!), whereas what you are looking 
for is a way to pass the current line as a set of arguments to a 

On the other hand, if foo.sh is something you have written yourself, 
another way to solve this problem would be to write foo.sh to accept 
its data from standard input instead of as command-line arguments.  
Then you _could_ just execute

   :.w !./foo.sh

> > No functions are needed. This is vim, not emacs :-)

It's true that functions are not needed here, but there is no reason 
to avoid them, either.


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