Hello Bram,
You wrote:
> add collaborative editing: changes made to a buffer show up in another Vim
in a second

I'd like to ask for some clarifications. Clarification about
perceived behaviour, not about  implementation:

1. "two-way collaboration" or "one-way collaboration" ?

Vim instance B attaches to instance A for collaboration
on file F. Then B absorbs (and shows) changes to F made by A, right ?

Does it automatically work the opposite way ? That is, when B's user
makes changes, will A also show these changes so that they always stay in
sync ?

Which operation mode will be the basic mode ? The two-way or the one-way ?
Do we allow both modes of operation ?

In two-way collab, two swapfiles file will coexist for the same edited file,
right ?

2. Relation of "collaborative editing" to "client-server"
Does "collaborative editing" *require* client-server ?
Can "collaborative editing" work *without* client-server ?
I see this item as matter of requirements, not nevessarily as matter of

3. We want to allow more than two Vims atached to the collaboration group,
correct ?
(N-way collaboration).

Is the collaboration group "symmetric" (every instance plays identical role;
absorbs changes of all others, can make changes which all others absorb) ?
Or it has one "central" instance which has special role in the group ? (say,
only "central" instance makes changes;  all other instances cannot make
their own changes; peripheral instances absorb only changes of the "central"

4. You see the simple implementation of collaboration as vim-B
reading swapfile of vim-A, correct ? Does it lend itself to two-way
collaboration ?  To the N-way collaboration ?


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