On Tue, 2008-02-12 at 21:26 +0100, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> So, is $TCL_INC something that the tcl shell always uses?  My manual
> page for tclsh doesn't mention it.

I'm not sure, but the configure script checks for it.

I was actually a little surprised, because I thought the configure
script would find /usr/include/tcl8.4 on my Debian testing system, but
it didn't for some reason.  So I read the configure script and found
that it recognizes TCL_INC.

Taylor Venable            http://real.metasyntax.net:2357/

foldr = lambda f, i, l: (len(l) == 1 and [f(l[0], i)] or
                         [f(l[0], foldr(f, i, l[1:]))])[0]

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