Nick Gravgaard schrieb:
> On Wed, 13 Feb 2008 17:48:52 +0100, "Tony Mechelynck"
>> Nick Gravgaard wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I have an idea which I think will make Vim much faster and easier to
>>> use. I find that over 4 lines or so, it becomes difficult to quickly
>>> count the number of lines I want to delete/yank/shift or whatever, and
>>> so I usually revert to using linewise Visual mode to select the lines I
>>> want to perform the operation on. Obviously it's much faster to (for
>>> example) press 23d than to press V followed by down 23 times and finally
>>> d to delete, but the problem is knowing how many lines I want to perform
>>> the operation on. I believe this could be easily rectified if Vim could
>>> display relative line numbers in the left hand margin (with the current
>>> line being 1, the next being 2, and so on). Then the user could just
>>> look down to the last line they want to operate on, see how many lines
>>> it is from the cursor, and type the command.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Nick

Is it ok for you to type

Doesn't work out of the box, the builtin "V" handles the count
differently, but with a little work ...

  :nn <silent>V :<c-u>exec"norm!V".(v:count>1?v:count-1."j":"")<cr>
  " or maybe better:
  :nnoremap <silent> V :<c-u>execute "normal! V". v:count1. "_"<cr>

Without your requested Visual hint, it's good to have Visual mode enabled
after 23V, for fine tuning the range.


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