
would like to use vim to edit large files (600mb). Unfortunatelly, it
looks like opening such large files even on a Pentium 3.4Ghz with PATA
disk takes quite some time (ubuntu, kernel 2.6.22-14). I know that vim
creates some internal tree representation of the file, but I wonder if
something could be tuned, so that such loading times decrease, even if
memory usage would increase.

I tried to open a 767.187.800 bytes file (I created this file by cat-
ing all vim src files 100 times ) :

time vim  -u ./.vimrc --noplugin  -c":q" ../all3.c

the result is:

real    0m17.670s
user    0m15.457s
sys     0m1.428s

the .vimrc contains only

set noswapfile

I profiled vim, and opening the same file I got the file below....

So the question would be, is it possible to tune sthg. to open faster
these files??


below the gprof head

XXXXX$ head -40 no_swap

Flat profile:

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
  %   cumulative   self              self     total
 time   seconds   seconds    calls   s/call   s/call  name
 46.12      1.96     1.96        1     1.96     4.22  readfile
 23.53      2.96     1.00 31025600     0.00     0.00  ml_append_int
 12.94      3.51     0.55 31025601     0.00     0.00  ml_updatechunk
  8.24      3.86     0.35 31361959     0.00     0.00  ml_find_line
  4.94      4.07     0.21 31025600     0.00     0.00  ml_append
  0.47      4.09     0.02  1876672     0.00     0.00  mf_put
  0.47      4.11     0.02  1655954     0.00     0.00  mf_find_hash
  0.47      4.13     0.02  1655954     0.00     0.00  mf_get
  0.47      4.15     0.02        1     0.02     0.02  ml_delete
  0.47      4.17     0.02                             ml_setmarked
  0.24      4.18     0.01  1876675     0.00     0.00  mf_ins_hash
  0.24      4.19     0.01  1655955     0.00     0.00  mf_rem_hash
  0.24      4.20     0.01  1655954     0.00     0.00  mf_rem_used
  0.24      4.21     0.01   698266     0.00     0.00  ml_add_stack
  0.24      4.22     0.01   441920     0.00     0.00  alloc
  0.24      4.23     0.01   258689     0.00     0.00  mf_trans_del
  0.24      4.24     0.01   258600     0.00     0.00  ml_lineadd
  0.24      4.25     0.01                             vim_chdirfile
  0.00      4.25     0.00  1876674     0.00     0.00  mf_ins_used
  0.00      4.25     0.00   453656     0.00     0.00  lalloc
  0.00      4.25     0.00   453591     0.00     0.00  vim_free
  0.00      4.25     0.00   220720     0.00     0.00  mf_alloc_bhdr
  0.00      4.25     0.00   220720     0.00     0.00  mf_free_bhdr
  0.00      4.25     0.00   220720     0.00     0.00  mf_new
  0.00      4.25     0.00   220720     0.00     0.00  mf_release
  0.00      4.25     0.00   219851     0.00     0.00  ml_new_data
  0.00      4.25     0.00    11709     0.00     0.00  RealWaitForChar
  0.00      4.25     0.00    11709     0.00     0.00  mch_breakcheck

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